Xinetd package for Debian/Ubuntu and others does not support IPv6 by default?
Jun 22nd, 2010 by Anders Kringstad

Since my employer (ITsjefen AS of Trondheim, Norway) have given me the opportunity to work with free software (we base most of our customer-fronting solutions on free software) I’m mostly spending my days deep within the realms of servers, command line options and back end systems (that is when I’m not on a one month holiday).

Yesterday, after getting a report from a co-worker that a customer using our free wireless network on a dual stack (IPv4/IPv6) Windows 7 could not read his e-mail I dug into a tiny, but yet, frustrating problem with our mail proxy software — perdition.
While perdition it self does indeed support IPv6 it seemed to be a bit easier to enable IPv6 for the xinetd service for perdition (I really, really thought IPv6 was in place as a default these days). After setting the proper flags (you just add the line “flags = IPv6” to the service you wish to enable IPv6 for) I went about restarting xinetd, discovering that no IPv6 was functioning in xinetd. I promptly tried to add other services to xinetd with IPv6, thinking perdition must be the culprit, but no dice.

Thus, downloading a reading in the source for the Debian-package I soon discovered that the tiny config-option of “–with-inet6” was left out.
A quick recompile on the compile-box and pinning of packages later, IPv6 was working flawlessly for the perdition services.

Does anyone know of other, possibly more easily ways of getting proper IPv6-support for services in xinetd? If so, do let me know! 🙂

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