It’s early in the morning. One geek checks his alarm-clock and gets out of bed ten minutes before the hailing would be. Yay, we’re up on time today. The weekend went along with a computerparty a little 40 minutes up north by bus – überlan v3 in Hommelvik. 114 users and a mere 40 people to hold a party is quite fun. Did some planning for AuLAN:Heat, and got to introduce Jorunn to parts of the computerparty-feeling. She went with me on Friday evening and got to see how things can be at a party. Funny enough I think she enjoyed it, and that’s good, since it was her first.
Right now, I’m going to shower, then go to a workout at 3T Pirbadet, as they’re the only Gym open on monday mornings at 0630. Work at 0900. Enjoy your morning coffee people!