Weblog confessions
December 24th, 2005 by Anders Kringstad

It may not be wise to think that nobody out there read your weblog. Actually: What if someone does a search on Google and end up on your webpage or weblog while researching you for, say, an article on a drunk drive? The teens in this case of a drunk drive in the U.S. have webloged about their life like most people and the court has heard their writings read out as evidence as The Register reports on this american teenager who now have gotten 5 years in jail after confessing through a weblog.

One Response  
  • Magni writes:
    December 24th, 20052:43 pmat

    I consider everything posted in my blog (or in any other internet fora, for that matter) public – even private entries. I.e. I consider private entries “personal” – it’s something I’d rather NOT have public, but if it for some reason (permission typo or whatnot) is published anyway, it won’t be a disaster.

    So if it may ruin your life if it’s published – don’t publish it. This ALSO goes for “anonymous” entries – there isno such thing as a free lunch and there is no such thing as anonymity on the internet. At least not one you should rely your life upon.

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