Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (7.04): Yet a great improvement
April 20th, 2007 by Anders Kringstad

Yesterdays release of Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (7.04) marks yet another great improvement for users of free and open source operatingsystems. The Ubuntu delveopers have laid down a great deal of work into making Feisty a stable, polished and very well-working release. The improvements are probably best aknowledged by the fact that they are mostly subtile to newcomers and might not be seen because you just expect such things to work in a polite manner. The new ‘upstart’ that loads Ubuntu within 30 seconds on most computers represent one feature I believe many users will tend to forget after getting used to fast bootups, until they try to boot either another Linux-distro or go back to Windows. Another such feature is the new and greatly improved ‘Network Manager’ that incorporates wireless, wired and VPN-connectivity within a single application. It’s also very usable and adds another simple layer of helping hands on the wheel for users.

Summarized I think we’re off to a great new year for free- and open source software. The release of Ubuntu 7.04 is certainly one of the dotted markings on the timeline so far this year.
Thank you!

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