The way I am
November 25th, 2004 by Anders Kringstad

It’s soon another weekend. Another week is over soon. I feel some lack of interest in some of my spare time activities of late. I have been too bussy with being happily in love and work at Grep and Samfundet to do the things that I should have been doing with SPIST and TLUG. The need for such things are imminent. The opensource community of Norway needs a stronghold in Trondheim and I wish that TLUG could be that. The problem is time. I think that the rest of the board have the same problem. It’s cold, it’s winter and lots of exams on the horizon. In January TLUG will help out as SPIST sees a new school adopting Skolelinux in Trondheim. I hope it’ll turn out to be a massive showdown of what opensource can do in the schoolsystem. 20 computers, with screens, given from NTNU/IDI will be placed in a network with a brand new server that the school will buy for the project.

In other news I’m bored. Bored with rain, snow, more rain and snow. I wish it was the end of July 2005 and that I were on the move to my new home at Solsiden. I have also been doing minor upgrades to my rss-feed today so that it now shows the item topic in a good manner as a topic, not as a part of the description area. Now I’m going home. Home to clean the house, do some work for the upcoming computerparty ‘AuLAN:Heat’ (february 2005) and probably go for a little walk if I get time. I need more time! Anyone got a few spare hours?

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