Another weekend, FunFun Mountain anyone?
November 19th, 2004 by Anders Kringstad

Ok. It’s been one of those days. I’ve been working non-stop since 0710 when I got to Samfundet. After figuring out that the compiled kernel would not work on one of the servers the deadweight disk-raid were removed from the configuration and the server booted back up. One of the other servers got a new kernel and some more RAM. At 0845 I walked from Samfundet to work, across the bridge I caught a bus and a tramway the last leg to Grep.

Got to Grep at 0903. Five customers had called about last nights huge email outage. ‘wow’. Outage. Four hours downtime from 2050 CET until 0100 CET. Hardly something to complain about in my opinion. What the customers do not know tho, is that I replaced the entire mailserver during the four hours of downtime. In a classic ‘Sarge-Attack’ a newly installed test-mailserver replaced the old outworn SuSE 7.1 with lots of bogus RPMs. The new Debian Sarge server with two Ultra 160 SCSI-disks hummed nicely along. I’ve spent all morning helping out with the minor quirks in the mailsystem, and now, as the weekend rings in in two hours, we’re done. A new era now begins with a daily apt-get update here, and some apt-get upgrade there. I can’t help it. I just love sysadmining easy stuff like that.

Tonight I’m going to the cinema with Jorunn to watch ‘The Incredibles’, one of the new cartoonmovies from Hollywood. Looking forward to some modern animatic artwork again, it’s been two weeks since ‘Shrek 2’ already. Tomorrow we’re doing some network maintenance at Samfundet. Wakeup call at 0900. *Shrug* Got to work some more now. Have fun kids!

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