November 10th, 2004 by Anders Kringstad

Midweek. That means that it’s now been 3 weeks of joy. I don’t think I’ll have to explain more about that. In other news the clock is ticking quickly as we’re moving towards a new weekend. This weekend I have a lot of things in stock. Friday opens with a birthdayparty. Saturday I have agreed to be a voluntary guard/tech-person at the yearly First Lego League (FLL). My tasks will be to guard an elevator and a doorway to the technical presentation room from 1100 until 1430 and that means that I’ll have to get up a tad early. Not as early as last year tho (!) when I got up at 0630 to help rig the hall and didn’t go home until midnight. After the job as a guard I hope to have some time to take a little walk, or atleast eat dinner before going to Samfundet to be a wardrobe-guard (or whatever you want to call it) from 1800 until 0330. Sleep anyone?

Sunday will probably be quite relaxing when you look at the bussy schedule for the other two days. Maybe a movie, a good dinner or a little walk if it’s suitable. Let’s not plan too much ahead shall we? It’s Sunday. Sleep until noon may be an option.

Yesterday I helped Ivar (smygarn) with his workstation. It now runs SUSE Professional 9.1 Linux with all the whistles and blows you’d expect from that. Fully installed and updated the beast consumed more then 4 GB of harddiskspace. After installing Ivar looked very happy to find that he only needed to plug an Ixus 4 camera in and launch Digicam from the menu to view thumbnails of the images from the camera, downloading, etc. The now Novell-branded Red-Carpet tool also seemed to fit in his dream of a perfect Linux desktop. I bet he’s still doing mod’s on the desktop, since KDE and Gnome both look ugly by default.

Tonight it’s time to go to Samfundet again. I’ll be there at about 1730ish to do some work before the indoor hockey championship we’re having at 1900 – Not looking forward to being beaten to pulp by some 1.90m. tall dude from LØK or KLST. Atleast I’ve got my backpack with a clean t-shirt and some comfy shoes to play in.

Still very in love. *:)

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