Do the math; Windows h*ell; Roses are red..
November 2nd, 2004 by Anders Kringstad

I’ve given a lot of time recently to thinking about what to do to move on with my technical education. I’ve decided that to get along the path I want to I have to do some math. This means going all the way back to 1 MA at Highschool. After that I’ll have to look at 1 MX and 2 MX. This means a lot of reading and math for me, but I have to try.

At work there may be an opening in the sky. If I get the 1 Ghz machine laying by my side at the moment to work in Debian and use VMWare I may be able to still run Linux after all. Maybe. I have to see how my bosses react to my little project first, so I have to do it during the weekend or maybe quiet hours from 16 to 1700 when it’s just me and the computers here. Today I’ve atleast gotten email back to working when I figured that Thunderbird did not enjoy the Enigmail plugin from MozDev. Thus I went with Mozilla and installed the Mozilla suite. Together with GnuPG for Windows I am now able to send and recive encrypted opensource email. On Windows. This means that I can go back to doing the registry-work and send/recive emails with NORID’s automagical processes.

Last night, it being Monday and all I worked at Samfundet. Tried to help out where I could. Did some cable-patching and hung up some cables on one of the walls in the Bodega. Also, Jorunn told me that she had misplaced or lost her Visa-card during the weekend. We went to the Shell Gas-station near by to check if it were there, and to our joy they had it behind the counter. I think it might have been the fact that the Gas-station only had small change to give us back when we wanted to get some hard cash on Saturday that made us forget it, as we had to stuff our pockets full of 20-kroner coins and so.

Yet, its soon midweek again. Still very much in love. I feel more and more connected and enjoy every single second of life as much as I can. Since I know you’re reading this Jorunn; I love you. <3 See you soon! *:)

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