Black metal neighbours: the art of annoying others
March 8th, 2005 by Anders Kringstad

I have the privilege of having a pair of black metal neighbours. They live one floor above me, and enjoy what they probably describe as "music" or even "art". The two black metalers rarely are seen outside the house and their windows are all covered with light-stopping material.

Early this morning, (way too early in my sleepy eyes) they wake up above me. Everyones entitled to wake up when they want to, but I’d very much like to see the thinking process behind going from waking up at 0730 to doing a very loud black metal guitar/drums-rehearsal at 0745 in the morning. At 0750 they obviously had finished their rehearsal this morning and left, slamming the door so loud that who ever had not been awaken in the house would be. What a fine couple. I just love people who care about their surroundings. By the way – The dictionary reference for ‘Black metal’ reads: A subgenre of heavy metal music that uses screamed Satanic lyrics, fast guitar playing and drumming, and heavily distorted music with a focus on satanic imagery and occult themes

The next time I feel like it I’m doing a hardtrance-drum’n bass StepMania rehearsal just by my self without my headset at 0630 AM. Looking forward to that. Next monday at my place anyone?

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