Maybe a little to rash
October 26th, 2004 by Anders Kringstad

Ok. Granted. I have to sit in Windows to test if it helps me do my job better. So far I’ve not been having a too open mind about it. Windows bork.bork.bork and all that. Yeah, I do prefer Linux for my daily dose of work, fun and chat, but, at work I may have to adapt some to the ‘new breed’ of technology we’re selling our customers. Maybe I’ll learn some valueable tricks this week while I sit in Windows XP. Perhaps I may be able to do dualboot sometime next week if my boss feel like being nice. Maybe maybe.

From yesterday morning until now I’ve tho tried to adapt. I’ve added Mozilla Thunderbird as emailclient, OpenOffice for documents and spreadsheets, Opera for webbrowsing, putty for ssh, aMSN for chatting and WinSCP for secure copy of files to all the Linux-machines I would want to access. So, what’s left is the sh*tty interface called Windows XP with all it’s bells and whistles. Like I explained to a coworker; “I prefer being able to use ‘on mouse-over focus’, not ‘click to focus’. I also prefer being able to use virtual desktops so that I can stick web-browsing and daily tasks with documents etc on one desktop, Windows-Remote-Terminal-Services-stuff on one, and email and ssh etc on the third. With this Windows XP I can not do that on this laptop. 256 MB RAM and 800Mhz CPU does not make it a beast in Linux either, but atleast I can use something I’m used to, and that, I think, makes me able to do my job more efficient.”

In other parts of my mind, I’m still smiling. The big smile is plastered over my face and even now, how bored and BOFH I may sound over this little OS-war I am still smiling. To have someone to care for is really actually what I’ve missed in my life for so long that I don’t really recall how it feels until now. It’s amazing. It makes me happy. You make me happy.

[update 12:40] After doing some work I decided to spend the rest of my lunchbreak creating some more poems, and putting some of the older ones online. If you want, you can go read them here.

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