After a weekend with Mas (amoc) at Samfundet, getting drunk on beer and whisky twice in a row it was good to relax some on Sunday with a meeting in HSFT, then at my grandparents house were I had dinner. After that I took a long walk and hooked up with Anders (andai) at Solsiden. Went home, found Mats still sleeping on his bed after 13 hours! woha. Woke him, and then we had a NetCore boardmeeting. Very good meeting. Got to do a lot of things we have been in need to talk about doing for some time. Sorted out who’s doing what and why. Stuff like that.
Then, at 10 pm life went from good to magical. That’s all I’m going to write about it. Took a long walk, did some chatting about the weekend, and went home after that. If I am to describe my feeling inside, it’s like this weblogs subject; Light as a feather, a white little feather from a dove, just like the one you can see in the Forrest Gump intro. I don’t really think I’ll ever be able to describe fully how I feel. Good night.