Yesterday a norwegian newspaper (Dagbladet) decided it was time to ‘break some news’ about an old story that happened 8000 years ago. The ‘news’ bare intel about the fact that parts of western Norway were flooded by a tide wave up to 45 meters tall after a very dry tide the same morning. Well. Imagine surfing on top of that 45 meter tall tide wave as it plunges down through the fjords. That’s really how I feel now. Get it? Up there with the clouds. It’s bright, it’s warm, it’s cold, chill, hot, exciting and actually very very nice. Sometimes it even makes me shiver, as if I were really cold, yet I feel warm like lava inside. The difference between my tide wave and that boring old hog from 8000 years ago is that mine doesn’t dry out after a day and roll back into the ocean. Nah, this tide wave of life that I’m riding just moves forward second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. In a few days we may add week by week too I guess.
To those who may not get the idea of what the h*ck I am trying to spill out, read the inking of the past few days of weblogging, then add some tomato soup, a few nights when it were impossible to get any sleep at all or very little sleep. And, ofcourse that big everlasting smile on my face. In due time you will probably get a clue how the story goes or something like that. Until that, just deal with the fact that I am probably, from my point of view, the happiest geek on the planet. Rants off. Enjoy the smile 🙂 — Still smiling. Magic number right now: 510.. That was at 0848.. The Magic number have now morphed into 173.
Let’s see. What have I done at work today? Taken some phonecalls from customers. Had lunch, 3 pieces of bread with chicken salad and some milk to drink. Then I have ranted some about the failures in the routing on some of our network, hmmm.. What else? No, actually there haven’t happened much here today. All in all I’ve been sitting duck here, trying to keep my eyes up. The problem is when the effect of the two HyperMints I had this morning wears off. That happened at about 13, so the past hours have been a real madhouse. I can’t really listen to music either. I have two real options. 1. Put the headset and the music so loud on that I wont be able to hear when someone ask me something, or 2. keep on being tired for 50 more minutes and then go home and sleep one hour before the ITK meeting. I guess the only right thing to do is sticking with number two.
Since the pizzas at the ITK meeting are a tad out in the horizon still I’ve granted myself two pieces of thin crisp bread with no topping. Just to keep myself awake. Something to keep the wheels turning. Still smiling, still very happy. The happiest geek around, that’s who I am. *:)